Wudang Qi Gong and Shaolin staff seminars – October 27th and 28th 2018

Matteo Pepe-Espert

On the weekend of October 27-28 2018, NOFØDRA will have the pleasure of welcoming Matteo Pepe-Espert (Paris, France) in Oslo for two days of Kung Fu and Qi Gong seminars. Matteo is the main instructor and founder of the great Chinese martial arts and Qi Gong School EPHEDRA in France. The seminars are open and accessible to everyone, all levels.

Saturday, October 27th 2018: Wudang Qi Gong. This Qi Gong comes from the Wudang Mountains in China and is based on the Taoist philosophy. We will work on a series of 14 exercises accessible to everybody, even if you never practiced Qi Gong before. Easy to memorize, each exercise has a specific effect on health and can be practiced independently of others, depending on the needs and desires. Practiced in the right state of mind, the whole set can be considered as a form of meditation in motion.

Sunday, October 28th 2018: Shaolin (long) staff. We will discover a long choreography coming straight from the famous Shaolin Temple in China. We will work with this choreography on the dynamic and explosive movements, as well as the compact defence stances that are characteristic of the Shaolin style. We will also work on applications with a partner.

If you need a long staff, you can order one from us but you have to let us know before the 10th of October.

Price for each seminar: 650 NOK

Price for the week-end: 1000 NOK

Location: Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo.

Time: 09:30 – 16:30 every day with one hour lunch break. (Bring your own food).

Information and registration: nofodramail@nofodra.com. We kindly ask you to register before the 20th of October.
